Native Precious Fiber

Traceability, sustainability, worker and animal welfare are among our core values. Being Nativa certified means having a production chain that is transparent, traceable and respectful of the people and animals involved.

What is Native Precious Fiber Certification

This is a certification that guarantees the quality and traceability of wool fibers throughout the production chain: from the farm, where the sheep are cared for and sheared, to the finished product.

What it means for consumers

Our customers can rely on a product with a certified history that is traceable in multiple ways: farms, sheep, land, and woolen process.

Where the wool comes from

It comes from the best pastures in Argentina, Uruguay, the United States, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.

Since 2020 we have
obtained the Certification
Native Precious Fiber

We make footwear with natural fibers that respect the environment and the health of workers and animals involved.

Environmental protection

All farms and industries we rely on are managed sustainably to ensure a reduced environmental impact.

Animal Welfare

Each breeder has a management plan, which evaluates animal nutrition, husbandry, behavior and health. This includes stress-free shearing and a ban on mulesing.

Workers' welfare

The sustainability and economic growth of farms depend largely on the socioeconomic well-being of farmers and their communities. We are committed to respecting, upholding and enforcing human rights, labor, environmental and anti-corruption principles at both farm and industry levels.